Results for dog welfare

Save and Rescue the dogs help for the noble cause

July 02, 2018
        Save and Rescue the dogs help the noble cause

dog lovers,  This is the rescue and shelter donation offer for the stray dogs and their welfare.

we know that we love dogs
and we know how much we DO!

have a fire inside me to save the stray dogs and  RESCUE  them and to give them shelter and food.

you will surely agree that they deserve at least that, and I am alone can not do it effectively and many are looking to me with their painful eyes so I am here to say it to you, that contribute from them and let me give them comfort.

comfort, from their, deceases, and getting the food for them, that they never tested in their life because all the time they eat so far is the waste that the people throw away.... they need to drink the pure water at least, and not contaminated.

I Am an Electronics Engineer and working in my field.

I need to give the dogs, at least the basic facility they deserve to have.

1> Food for them 2 times a day, and clean water.

2> A shelter house they can lay down and yes a clean one (everyday morning I can clean that)

3> And the medicine | for at least to save them from common deceases. ( one of my friends is the doctor so he's  ready to give his free services that)

I can not bare all that expenses alone that's the reality.  

but that doesn't mean that I let this fire to be quenched

I m sure, in this world, there are many many dog lovers and to whom dogs are more than their lives even! i know, they love to be part of my mission, and help me out with their all means because they also feel the same pain that I feel for the dogs!

There are people who are going to read my scream for help and going to react as soon as possible to help these best friends of us!

if you are reading this and you are loving that I do give them that they at least deserve, please don't hesitate to donate. the more you will give, the more you will get!
you will get the blessings from those eyes. those are looking at me many times and I cry out helplessly for them seeing them in pain !!!!!!  

you will get silent blessings by those waving tails those will wave in some corner of the world, and that will be your real EARNING  of  BLESSINGS

so, hereby, 
I  AGAIN appeal to all of you, those are reading this, and understanding the pain of those sweet loving and Loyal friends of us !!

Remember,  even your $1  is going to make difference to the life of this dogs! 

The PayPal details are as follows 
link --
paypal id -

my email id if you want to inform me about your donation and want to write me anything more
I am an Indian and a qualified Electronics Engineer.

Even you can donate, by the PayPal button below

DOG training manual for dog owners

May 01, 2018

          DOG training manual for dog owners

Discover The Untold Secrets Used By The World’s Top Dog Trainers To Make Their Puppies Listen To Their Every Command! 

Finally, You Can Fully Equip Yourself With These "Must Have" Tools For Training Your Dog To Be Obedient!

Master The Art Of Training Your Dog With Ease!

Here’s an overview of this ultimate guide to training your dog:

-With this guide, you’ll be exposed to the ways successful pet trainers work and think and how you can apply these ways of thinking about your own dog training success.

-You will also be exposed to plenty of highly effective methods for making your dog obedient.

-You’ll also many useful insights and strategies on taking care of your dog.

Let me shed some light on some things that may be on your mind:

Will this help free me to create a super cool dog?

Absolutely! The secret training techniques have been put together by some of the best experts in the field!

Will I be able to implement these strategies easily?

Most definitely! The strategies for training your dog have been mapped out clearly in this guide so that anyone – whether a novice or beginner can start using it and achieve results fast!

Wow, this is too good to be true! Will this cost me a bomb?

Here’s the good news, NO. I want everybody to be able to have access to this great tools and strategies for pet training because I knew what it was like, struggling as a hopeless bum without anyone to guide me… Now that I’ve found the way, I want this ultimate guide to “jump start” your success in your wealth!

If you’re still sitting on the fence, here’s 5 great reasons to invest in this amazing guide for pet training....

You’ll never have that feeling of frustration of not knowing how to train your dog.
These secret techniques are known by only the top pet trainer and you’ll finally be able to have access to these secrets.

Thousands of hours and money are wasted just because people fail to leverage on the right tools for helping them achieve results.
Your friends will be begging you to tell them your secrets to taming your pet.

With your new found insights, the amount you save will more than enough cover the investment in this guide!

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