Results for fat loss

5 Ways To Get Of The Baby Fat FREE E-BOOK

January 22, 2019

5 ways to get of the baby fat


This is the book to give you a new eye to look at the simple but very effective causes of BABY'S fat loss 

1.Breastfeeding :

Many women who have recently given birth are always interested in attempting to lose some of that extra weight that traditionally accompanies having a baby. What many of these women do not entirely realize is the fact that breastfeeding can not only help provide the baby with essential vitamins and nutrients but can also help in the weight-loss process.


2.Drink Plenty Of Water

Drinking plenty of water is something else that can dramatically help a new mother lose weight. How is this possible? And to be realistic, how much weight can actually be lost using this method? Let's dig into this issue.


3. Eat Well

many women who are interested in losing baby fat after giving birth will sometimes make the classic mistake of cutting back on the amount of food that they consume in a manner that is unhealthy. In other words, it can actually be counterproductive to eat dramatically fewer amounts of food if you are truly interested in losing weight.


4. Hot Yoga

I already see the raised eyebrows! However, did you know that doing hot yoga after pregnancy can not only help improve your psychological outlook but can really have a lot of positive physical health benefits as well? Some of those positive health benefits that are physical in nature include burning fat and losing weight...





lose your weight not your mind -- part 1

June 03, 2018
                                  lose your weight not your mind

hello Everyone!

I am here and starting this new motivational and educational series " Lose your Weight and not your mind" to be with you, to support you, and to guide you  throughout the way on your journey of losing weight and in this series, I will constantly motivate  you and highlight you various physical as well as psychological  issues and will give the guaranteed solutions to lead you finally towards to your dream weight and health.

today, in this first part of the post, let's start with this.

Setting Your Goals for Losing Weight in Long Term

                                                     check out this video first.

Weight gain happens over an amount of your time and can't be lost in days because it wasn't gained that method. So, even if there are some ways that you just will act for losing weight, you may wish to create certain that it's a way that ensures you may keep the pounds off.

As a general rule, weight is gained by creating selections in your diet that aren't excellent for you. Typically, you'll calculate what number of calories you would like daily and if you're employed towards staying as on the point of that number as potential your fat less apt to struggle along with your weight.

If however, you decide to surrender eating sensibly and give into all your cravings, you're bound to see yourself gaining weight. This can happen slowly over time but you can be sure that you will see it happen.
If you really want to lose weight and keep the weight off forever, it is really important that you set goals and stick to them the best that you can. Setting goals is a very important key to successful weight loss.
You need to keep in mind that especially if you have a large amount of weight to lose that it is not going to happen overnight. As a general rule, doctors say that to lose weight in a healthy manner you should shed about six pounds each month. Bear this in mind when you set your weight loss goals and aim for a goal that you can reach with ease, perhaps five pounds each month.
To keep the weight you lose off of your body permanently, you will need to alter your lifestyle and the way that you eat. Although cutting down on food can help, if everything you consume is high in calories, you are far less apt to notice and improvement.

 Eating healthy and taking like large amounts of fruit, grains, and vegetables will satisfy your hunger and allow you to lose pounds at the same time. Eating healthier, will not only let your body excess weight, it will also allow you to have an overall healthier life. You will notice your body flourishing due to the excess of vitamins and minerals that healthy foods entered into your system.

Even though you will always feel temptation, when you set goals for yourself, you will have a stronger will to resist the pull of high-calorie indulgences.

Eating healthy does not mean that you have to rid your diet of deserts; there are many healthy choices if you think. Also, if you have been sticking to your diet very well, now and again you can give in and have a high-calorie snack.

It is actually more beneficial to allow yourself a treat now and again. This way, you are not choosing to completely give up on your diet. A small bite of something high in fat is far better than saying no to your diet and eating the whole thing and ruining everything that you have worked towards.

When you set your goals, give yourself some rewards. When you achieve a goal that you set, allow yourself a reward for your hard work. By rewarding yourself, you are offering even more encouragement to stick to your new way of life. Consider buying yourself a new outfit or go for a massage in a massage, your effort is worth it.

You will also need to bring exercise into your life if you want to keep your weight loss as a permanent fixture in your future. Eating smaller portions of healthy food and exercising regularly is the best way to keep the pounds from returning.
I will suggest you a best and a proven method on many many overweight people those suffered that terrific life in the hope that one day will come and they will run after a rabbit ...
some of them were wise, and adopt the way that I am going to reveal to all of you today and you can get more information and can see some real case studies here... 
check this out and still, you don't get convinced you don't want to do it, amm.. there is nothing that can stop you!
see ya in the next part, till then you start losing pounds as I suggested, using this ...
Thanks and Regards.

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