Results for type 2 diabetes reverse

press release: UK scientists now started reversing diabetes type 2

February 14, 2019


UK scientists  started reversing diabetes type 2

5th January 2021                                                              For further information contact: 
                                                                                             Ketan Raval
                                                                                             Phone: 09898680121                                                                                                 Email:

Diabetes is said to be a Silent Killer disease.2.5 million people only in Britain are suffering from it, along with 30.3 million Americans 9.4 percent of the U.S. population have diabetes. wonder is made by the findings that More than 100 million U.S. adults are now living with diabetes or pre-diabetes, according to a new report released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If we see the global picture and add the figures from the remaining countries, the total figure crosses 371 million people and increasing day by day. in the UK, £9 billion a year, is spent managing diabetes and its complications. Most of that is spent on type 2 diabetics, who outnumber type 1 diabetics by about nine to one.

well-managed Steps are to be taken to Prevent and Treat Diabetes by Researching and Providing the Medicines to the diabetic Patients and that includes spreading awareness about the steps to be taken to control and even reverse diabetes by informing the patients about correcting their Lifestyle and to tune up the body with the Peaceful state of mind, by yoga and other supporting activities.

Big Pharma companies are busy in the production of typical drugs for diabetic treatment and patients are administrated with those drugs prescribed by the medical practitioners, 
but no one is ready to give the vital information like some very reputed news media like "The Telegraph" has published in their internet post of 13 February 2019 that "reversal of diabetes is possible." Dr. Roy Taylor, Professor of Medicine and Metabolism from the UK, made it possible to reverse diabetes by making the patient strictly to be on 600 calories per day, caused fat levels in the pancreas to plummet, restoring normal function. Until recently received medical wisdom was that Type 2 diabetes was largely irreversible. But this research indicates that defeating it could be easier than commonly thought.

Doctors at the International Council for Truth in Medicine 
are revealing the same truth about diabetes that has been suppressed for over 21 years. Last year they helped over 17,542 type2 diabetics end the need for prescription drugs, insulin injections, and blood sugar monitoring. This year they're on track to help over 30,000. A few weeks later, 96% of patients were able to stop ALL diabetes drugs and injections. Blood sugar normalized, insulin sensitivity increased and neuropathy pain went away. They have already helped over 17,542 type2 diabetics end the need for prescription drugs, insulin injections, and blood sugar monitoring. you also want to know about this breakthrough,  their video presentation can be found here

As modern research found it out now in research at Diabetes UK, Patients are able to normalize blood sugar and be taken off all diabetes medication and injections in just 3 weeks. After testing these natural treatment methods on their own patients, they now want to share this secret with the world.
the video presentation of that simple remedy and the routines to follow to reverse type2 diabetes can be found here.

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