Training, Salary, and Career Trends for Cybersecurity Analysts in 2022

July 30, 2022

 Training, Salary, and Career Trends for Cybersecurity Analysts in 2022

Training, Salary, and Career Trends for Cybersecurity Analysts in 2022

Are you searching for a new career path or anything to make your work more challenging and meaningful? 

If so, a job in cybersecurity, especially as an analyst, is a fascinating choice. Professionals in the field of cybersecurity are currently leading this expanding worldwide market. 

They support both individuals and companies as they combat evolving cyberthreats. As they progress, they develop highly technical expertise. 

A professional path that is secure for the future is available in cybersecurity. In the US, it is one of the most in-demand skill sets.

In the US, the number of cybersecurity positions is increasing at a startling rate. 

To fill these occupations, there aren't enough qualified professionals available. According to one prediction, there may be 3.5 million open cybersecurity positions worldwide by 2025. 

Both newcomers and seasoned experts have a lot of promise in cybersecurity, and it offers a route to fulfilling employment.

This is what you'll learn when you study to become a cybersecurity analyst.

  • What is the difference between a cybersecurity analyst and a cybersecurity engineer?
  • What does a cybersecurity analyst really do?
  • What skills should you have to become a cybersecurity analyst?
  • What are the requirements to get started as a cybersecurity analyst?
  • What are some common titles of cybersecurity analysts?
  • What certifications should I work towards for success as a cybersecurity analyst?
The COVID-19 outbreak caused an even greater spike in demand for cybersecurity expertise. 

One study found that COVID-19 is leveraged by about 80% of cybersecurity threats. The rising use of telework in most industries is to blame for this. 

The majority of cyberattacks fall under these threats. These include spam emails, malware, business email compromise, and credential phishing. 

The need for cybersecurity experts has never been greater than it is now. 

In the environment that the globe is in, they safeguard corporations, individuals, and their data.

You might want to take into account the route that many aspirant cybersecurity analysts take. The majority of candidates start off as information technology specialists. 

After that, they earn the CompTIA Security+ and CompTIA CySA+ credentials. They then discover that they are prepared to begin their next professional challenge.

What is the difference between a cybersecurity analyst and a cybersecurity engineer?

We may divide cybersecurity employment into two major categories: analysts and engineers. How do they vary then? 

Well, I think we've all watched some Formula 1 racing. 

Think of cybersecurity experts as those F1 drivers for a second. 

They are concentrating on the operation of the vehicle and the environment in which it is travelling. 

They are aware of any malfunctions and problems with the way the car (or, in our case, the computer networks) is operating. 

However, cybersecurity experts are unable to figure out how to repair it from the inside out. 

They simply sit in the car and are the professionals at driving it to the front row or to the podium.

In comparison, race car designers and engineers are like cybersecurity engineers.

 These experts are fully aware of how every component of the car's system works. 

In this instance, the platform is the network of cyber defense and analytic systems. The systems that enable the car to operate as effectively as possible are created by engineers. 

If there are any problems with the automobile, they know how to remedy them and make sure it is tuned and working properly.

Review for Udacity Data Science Nanodegree

July 27, 2022

Review for Udacity Data Science Nanodegree 

 Are you looking forward to enrolling at Udacity Data Science Nanodegree but you are confused about it? Then this Udacity Data Science nanodegree review article is the right place to clear your doubts.

Udacity Data Science Nanodegree is a program that many students look forward to learning data science as it is one of the fastest-growing career choices these days. 

With its partnership with some of the most giant tech corporations like Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc., it provides all the required up to date knowledge about data science and hands-on practices for better understanding. 

Udacity Data Science Nanodegree has been able to give solid results since its foundation and hence it is still considered by millions of people around the world. 

This review article highlights the relevancy of the Udacity data science nanodegree program in 2021, its courses, duration, fees structure along with the pros, cons and if it’s worth enrolling oneself in it. 

Let’s get started! 

Who do Udacity Data Science Nanodegree?

Anyone can apply for the Udacity Data Scientist Nanodegree program regardless of their experience or background. 

However, it is ideal for professionals, students and anyone who has at least basic knowledge of programming. 

The students who wish to enroll for the course should have prior knowledge of programming like Python programming and its libraries. So, that they feel comfortable throughout their learning process. 

You also need to have decent knowledge about SQL programming and mathematical topics like statistics, calculus, linear algebra, wrangling and visualizing data. 

If there’s someone who’s just starting to get into programming but doesn’t have basic knowledge of it, then Udacity‘s free courses will help such beginners to get a hands-on learning experience. 

What type of Content and how many Projects are covered in Data Scientist Nanodegree by Udacity?

The Udacity Data Scientist Nanodegree Program has several concepts that guide the students to pursue a successful career in data science. 

However, it is important that the students are familiar with several factors of data science such as programming, probability and statistics, visualizing data using matplotlib, ML, maths, and data wrangling. 

For better understanding, it is required that the students are well versed in each of the main components of the mentioned topics above. 

Some of the main concepts are – 

  • creating functions, logic, common applications and managing control flow, libraries and arrays of Python, etc
  • Managing database, JSON, CSV, pandas, and Sklearn by data wrangling
  • Probability theory, calculus, linear regression and algebra, matrices, etc
  • Supervised and unsupervised learning of ML

There are a total of 5 courses that prepare the students for their data science careers. These courses are divided into 2-5 lessons depending on the type of course selected. 

These courses are offered based on the current era of data science so that the students get all the knowledge that is best suitable for their motive. 

The names of the courses are as follows – 

  • Course I: Solving Data Science Problems
  • Course II: Software Engineering For Data Scientists
  • Course III: Data Engineering For Data Scientists
  • Course IV: Experiment Designs And Recommendations
  • Course V: Data Science Projects 

Let’s get to know more about these courses in detail.

Course I: Solving Data Science Problems

Udacity data Science nanodegree

Solving Data Science Problems prepares the learners to know in-depth information on data science and creating top-notch data visualization using the same. 

There are two lessons that can be found in this course; the data science process and effective communication with stakeholders. 

Project 1:

The learners will get to select a dataset and find the appropriate answers or data after correctly identifying three questions. 

This process involves the usage of CRISP-DM, data wrangling, machine learning for predicting the correct audience, statistics and well-versed communication skills. 

Along with the project, you need to develop a GitHub repository and create a data science blog to attract the potential community. 

The data science blog post needs to have solid information about the codes, the best practices of data science and how its implementation is turning itself towards a great future. 

Data science nanodegree project not only ensures to give adequate knowledge about data science but also the importance of communication that results in generating a successful relationship with the stakeholders. 

Course II: Software Engineering For Data Scientists

Udacity Data Science Nanodegree

Data Scientist Nanodegree Program prepares the budding data scientists by making them converse in some of the most important aspects of data science like the creation of unit tests and classes. 

There are three lessons that can be found in this course; software engineering practices, object-oriented programming and web development. 

In lesson one, you will be able to get their hands on developing efficient, modular and accurate code. You will also get to know the process of creating unit tests to check programs and analyse the results with logging. 

In lesson two, this course will measure and use object-oriented programming correctly. 

It will also cover topics like learning magic methods, modular Python packages like pandas and Scikit-learn and using a variety of classes to develop a program. 

Finally, in lesson three, you will get to know the steps in building a website. This includes knowing the structure of a web application and using Flask, Plotly and Bootstrap to develop the same. 

At the end of the lesson, the users are given the task to create a data dashboard with the help of a dataset and finally upload it to a web app.

Course III: Data Engineering for Data Scientists:

This Udacity data science course enables the exploring data scientists to get practical knowledge about developing and transforming models, data, etc. They will also be able to run pipelines and deploy cloud solutions. 

Udacity data Science Nanodegree

There are three lessons in this course; ETL pipelines, natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning pipelines. 

In lesson one, the readers will get to know and manage ETL pipelines, CSV, JSON, APIs and databases. 

They would be able to manage missing and copied data as well as understand the ways of encodings and columns along with creating dummy values and SQLite databases. 

In lesson two, this course makes the readers able to analyze tokenization and lemmatization of text data as well as removing stop words and using Scikit-learn for vectorization of text data.

As the lesson progresses further, users will be getting tf-idf practices and words to develop features using their own knowledge. 

They will also be able to correctly use several tools such as entity recognition and speech tagging to extract features and finally make sentiment analysis through the NLP model. 

In lesson three, this data science course dives deep into the advantages of machine learning and using it to make data preparation and modelling processes. 

Furthermore, there are some extensive topics covered that elaborated using Scikit-learn’s pipeline for chain data transformation, optimization of parameters through grid searches and making difficult workflows by using feature unions in parallel steps. 


Towards the end of the lesson, there’s a case study that involves the making of a dataset model using a machine learning pipeline. 

This means that in the project, you need to create a data pipeline that will be able to help spread message data from natural disasters. They will also need to prepare emergency text messages relating to the need of the sender’s communication. 

Successful completion of this case study shows that the users are finally getting their hands-on the process. 

Course IV: Experiment Designs and Recommendations

There’s a total of five lessons in this course;  experiment design, statistical concerns of experimentation, A/B testing, introduction to recommendation engines and matrix factorization for recommendations. 

In lesson one, it gives a good understanding of making experiments and the differences that separate experiments and observational studies. It also gives insights on control and testing conditions and the correct way to choose these groups. 

Udacity data Science Nanodegree

In lesson two, the users will get to know about the real-time use of statistical values and key metrics. They will be involved in SMART experiments for better clarity. 

Lesson three shows the users about A/B testing and its drawbacks, bias sources like Novelty and Recency Effects and various measures of comparison methods like FDR, Bonferroni and Tukey. 

At the end of this lesson, they will need to find and write a report detailing an experiment involving a technical screener from Starbucks.

Lesson four enables you to identify usual methods to separate general based, content-based and collaborative filter based recommendation engines. 

At the end of this lesson, they will be given the directions to list the first task of this lesson in Python.

Finally, during lesson five, this data science course discusses traditional regression and classification techniques and their impact on recommendation engines.

Additionally, the users will get to know how to use matrix factorization and FunkSVD to develop recommendation engines as well as analyzing the given data for better results.

Along with all these processes, they will be able to understand some of the common problems faced by recommendation engines and their solutions.


This Udacity data science course is designed to be performed on IBM Watson studio’s data platform. It gives a hands-on approach to developing recommendation engines that analyzes customer behavior and shows the best results to the potential customers. 

Course V: Data Science Projects:

This final topic will test the overall knowledge gained throughout all these courses and finally lead the successful users as data scientists.

Udacity data Science nanodegree

In this course, there are five lessons that are divided into electives that the users can choose from to develop their very own data science projects. The project they choose to work on is known as the data science capstone project.


This final project prepares the users to create, modify, change and analyse their data science project for the correct set of results. They will need to showcase the same project on the GitHub repository which will finally show their calibre of being a data scientist.

Are the instructors for Data Science Nanodegree experienced?

The instructors for Udacity Data Science Nanodegree Program are well experienced and have worked with several renowned companies as data scientists, engineers, instructors and so on. 

They hold degrees from reputed universities like the University of Michigan, the University of Quebec, UC Riverside and so on. 

Many of the instructors have worked together with Udacity to create courses based on the demands of the students. 

Some of the best-known instructors are Josh Bernhard, Luis Serrano, Andrew Paster, David Drummond, Judit Lantos and many more. 

Udacity Data Science Nanodegree Duration and Cost:

The Udacity Data Science Nanodegree Program costs $310.76/month if you choose to enroll yourself on a monthly basis. 

You can complete the course in your own comfort zone as well as cancel the enrollment anytime according to your wish. 

There’s another option of paying for 4-month access to the data science course. Originally priced at $1243.04 for 4-month access, it’s now discounted and available for $1056.44 only. 

In this scheme, you will get to save an extra 15% if you give a 15% upfront payment. Although the course is designed to be completed within a span of 4 months, you can switch to monthly access if you feel you need more time to complete the course. 

How to apply for Financial support for the Udacity Data Science Nanodegree course?

There’s good news for students who are trying to enroll for this Udacity data science nanodegree program but are having second thoughts because of the cost. 

This data science nanodegree is now available at a heavily discounted price because of the current global pandemic scenario (COVID-19) so students can use this opportunity to the fullest. 

The process is quite simple. At first, they need to click on the link of the enrollment form and sign up. 

The next step requires them to fill out some of the basic details like your phone number, country, current working status, company size, and personal income. 

You need to enter the course in which you are interested to enroll and the motive behind your enrollment. 

After filling out the above details, then you need to click on the Save & Submit option. 

Tips to complete Data Science Nanodegree by Udacity in less time:

This nanodegree in data science by Udacity usually takes about 4 months to get completed. However, there are certain ways to complete the course within a span of one month. 

It is important to note that although these tips are generally beneficial in completing the course in a month, it varies from person to person. 

A user who has basic knowledge and experience in data science or programming can easily manage to cope up with the data science course in a month. 

While someone who doesn’t have prior data science experience or background might face difficulties even with these tips.

Some of the tips by this Udacity Data Science Nanodegree review article to complete the course in a month are

  • Data science is a vast course so there are several topics that are covered serial wise. The students should build or develop programs, datasets or anything asked in the exercises right after finishing a lesson. 

Practically applying all the knowledge after learning each lesson ensures the concept is intact on the students’ minds and there isn’t any need to go back and keep on reading the same thing. 

  • Before officially starting the data science program, it is preferable that the users first take some of the free courses to gain basic information knowledge of Python programming, data science, machine learning and so on. 

It is ideal for users from non-technical or inexperienced backgrounds to effectively finish their course before the said duration. 

  • Investing more time than the recommended duration leads to the completion of the project or course before time. 

Investing leisure time effectively in completing this data science nanodegree program not only finishes the course before time but also gives the learners more time to clear their doubts and concepts in the later part. 

  • It is always advisable to seek doubts and answers through the experiences of other students and past students of Udacity. The users can find relevant information through GitHub answers that would help them in completing their course faster and reliably.


  • The quality of the course is excellent. It is partnered with companies like Google, Microsoft, Accenture, etc which delivers the best results.
  • Students get access to LinkedIn, GitHub and other platforms for their career support. Udacity provides cover letters, resumes that attract potential job offers.
  • Learners can also get expert consultation to sort their queries reliably.
  • Users get a certificate or nanodegree upon completion of a program. However, this is only applicable in paid courses.
  • Easy to understand interface.


  • The courses are expensive so learners need to have a budget before purchasing any paid course. 
  • Although there are subtitles for those who don’t understand English, the course is primarily written in English so it might be a little confusing for non-English speakers.


Is Udacity Data Science Nanodegree Worth it?

Yes, one should definitely look forward to enrolling in Udacity’s data science nanodegree program

Its modern approach and content supported by tech giants like Google and Amazon make it ideal for users to virtually excel their data science knowledge and set a good career in it. 

Additionally, the experienced instructors and technical support team deliver a smooth performance in completing the course. 

This article reviews the Udacity data science nano degree program, its facilities and much more. 


What are the offering Services given by Udacity Data Science Nanodegree for learners?

Udacity data science nanodegree ensures a reliable, flexible, efficient and professional virtual environment for the students to get a better understanding of the concepts. 

They can clear their doubts, get one-on-one expert consultations, seek technical support and get feedback from the best instructors regarding their projects. 

The following are the list of offers provided by Udacity:


  • Technical mentor support
  • Student community


  • Resume support
  • Github review
  • Linkedin profile optimization

Why should I enrol for the Udacity Data Science Nanodegree course?

It has partnerships and support from some of the prominent giant tech hubs that ensure the high quality of the courses. 

The courses are flexible and can be completed within 4 months. During the course, the students will get hands-on experience and training on major data science projects through activities and guidance from experts. 

They will also get all the support needed throughout the course duration. 

Upon completion of Data Science Nanodegree course, they are entitled to get the graduation certificate which is recommended by Google, Amazon etc. This certificate will help them to boost their career and find the perfect data science job that suits them. 

Is this Udacity Data Science Nanodegree helpful for me? Then how?

The program delivers excellent knowledge and experience which enables the students to find the perfect data science job. 

Some of the prominent data science jobs are Analysts, Statisticians, Engineers, Data and Analytics Managers, Data Administrators, etc. 

Are there any criteria to take admission for Udacity Data Science Nanodegree?

There are no specific criteria for learners to take admission in a data science nanodegree

Learners from all the countries, irrespective of their experience or background, are welcomed to join the course of data science nanodegree. 

Are there any prerequisite courses to learn for the Udacity Data Science Nanodegree Course?

The users should have knowledge or experience about the following concepts which are essential for becoming a data scientist : 

Even if a user doesn’t have the required knowledge then there’s no need to worry! 

Udacity provides free courses that can make them have the desired knowledge to be able to effectively complete the program duration.

Is there any financial support provided by Udacity for Data Science Nanodegree?

Yes, there are some scholarships that financially support the students to complete the course provided by Udacity for Data Science Nanodegree

5 Tips For Identity Theft Protection

June 14, 2022


           5 Tips For Identity Theft Protection


This is the time of year when we all start receiving emails from people attempting to steal our secret codes and passwords. "Your Account Is About To Be Closed," "There Is A Block On Your Account," "Could You Help Me Claim My Funds," or my personal favourite, "Congratulations – You've Won The UK Lottery," are examples of subject lines.


This is the time of year when we're all out shopping for gifts for friends and family, and the last thing we need is our bank or credit card account to be hampered. That is just what these "cyber crooks" hope for, and regrettably, some of us are tempted to explore the instructions sent.


DON'T FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE EMAIL FIRST AND FOREMOST! If you suspect a problem, log into the account in question as you normally would on your PC, rather than using the URL provided in the phoney email.


I've received some extremely convincing-looking emails purporting to be from banks, down down to the colors of the bank logo and stationery style. But don't be taken in by the con. In fact, don't even read the email; many are pre-programmed to install a virus program on your computer when it is opened. Simply forward the suspicious email to your bank's or credit card company's "spoof email" address.


Nearly 10 million Americans fell prey to identity theft last year, costing businesses and individuals billions of dollars.  Here are some other tips to help you:


  1. Know the dangers of using a debit card.:  Liability is higher than that of credit cards. Debit cards entail a far higher personal liability than credit cards when it comes to fraud, depending on how promptly you notify the loss of the card. If you don't report unlawful use within 60 days of receiving your bank statements, you risk losing your whole account balance and being held liable for the amount deducted from your line of credit.

 2.Make the switch to the virtual world.:  There are "virtual" card numbers for internet purchases. These are disposable credit card numbers generated at random , used once and then discarded by online shoppers. It's immediately linked to your genuine credit card account, so purchases appear on your monthly statement. The service is simple to use — and it's completely free! All you have to do is register with one of the virtual card providers, which include MBNA, Discover, and Citigroup.

3.Consider rewriting your checks.:  That tiny piece of paper has far too much information. Check writing is frowned upon by some experts since it divulges your address, bank account information, signature, and driver's licence number to complete strangers. Furthermore, there is no federal law that limits your liability for fraudulent checks (each state has its own set of rules). Experts recommend that you consider automating your bill payment process.

 4.Keep your mail safe.: Your inbox is a treasure trove of information. Your inbox is stuffed with personal information that identity thieves can use to simply apply for a credit card in your name, thanks to bank statements, invoices, and all those pre-approved credit card offers. 

You might not even be aware of it unless you check your credit report regularly.

 One way to avoid this is to keep your mailbox under lock and key, however most of us in Santa Clarita have our mailboxes at the curb in front of our homes, and the postman dislikes bringing around dozens of keys. 

Another option is to rent a mailbox or to protect yourself from "dumpster-diving" robbers by purchasing a shredder and shredding documents before discarding them.


  1. Make sure you have an emergency identification kit.: In the event of an emergency, would you be able to reach the bank that issued your credit card?

  1. Prepare an emergency kit with the following information for each of your credit or debit cards: account number, expiration date, name of issuing firm, and emergency contact number. In the meantime, create copies of your driver's licence and social security card, as well as your birth certificate and passport, and keep them in a safe deposit box or locked filing cabinet. When it comes to protecting your valuables in the event of a natural disaster, I prefer a safe deposit box.

It is possible that all of this seems like a lot of work that is not necessary; nevertheless, if you are ever the victim of identity theft, even just once, you will understand that it is well worth the effort to take these precautions.


Many of us forget that if we can't speak due to injury or aren't accompanied by someone who knows us, we're all John and Jane Does if we don't have anything in our wallets or handbags. 

How much less stressful is it to know that there are objects that can authenticate your identification in a bank box, no matter where you are? It's always better to be safe than sorry!


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