Learn about shocking DRUG-FREE  decease destroying methods that have been hidden and suppressed by big PHARMA  for decades.

here in this blog post, I will tell you everything, that they hide so far and, now what you have to do to get cured.

If you are a diabetic, your physician will never tell you that most cases of diabetes are curable. In fact, if you even mention the "cure" word around him, he will likely become upset and irrational. His medical school training only allows him to respond to the word "treatment". For him, the "cure" word does not exist. Type diabetes, in its modern epidemic form, is a curable disease and has been for at least 40 years. In 2001, the most recent year for which US figures are posted, 934,550 Americans needlessly died from out-of-control symptoms of this disease.

Your physician will also never tell you that, at one time, strokes, both ischemic and hemorrhagic, heart failure due to neuropathy as well as both ischemic and hemorrhagic coronary events, obesity, atherosclerosis, elevated blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, impotence, retinopathy, renal failure, liver failure, polycystic ovary syndrome, elevated blood sugar, systemic candida, impaired carbohydrate metabolism, poor wound healing, impaired fat metabolism, peripheral neuropathy as well as many more of today's disgraceful epidemic disorders were once well understood often to be but symptoms of diabetes.

If you contract diabetes and depend upon mainstream medical treatment, sooner or later you will experience one or more of its symptoms as the disease rapidly worsens. It is now common practice to refer to these symptoms as if they were separable, independent diseases with separate, unrelated treatments provided by competing medical specialists.

It is true that many of these symptoms can and sometimes do result from other causes; however, it is also true that this fact has been used to disguise the causative role of diabetes and to justify expensive, ineffective treatments for these symptoms.

Epidemic Type II diabetes is curable. By the time you get to the end of this blog reading, you are going to know that. You're going to know why it isn't routinely being cured. And, you're going to know how to cure it. You are also probably going to be angry at what a handful of greedy people have surreptitiously done to the entire medical community and to its trusting patients.

The Diabetes Industry

Today's diabetes industry is a massive community that has grown step by step from its dubious origins in the early 20th century. In the last 80 years, it has become enormously successful at shutting out competitive voices that attempt to point out the fraud involved in modern diabetes treatment. It has matured into a religion. And, like all religions, it depends heavily upon the faith of the believer. So successful has it become that it verges on blasphemy to suggest that, the kind high priest with the stethoscope draped prominently around his neck is a charlatan and a fraud. In the large majority of cases, he has never cured a single case of diabetes in his entire medical career.

Former commissioner of the FDA, Dr. Herbert Ley, in testimony before a US Senate hearing, commented: "People think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing and what
the public thinks it's doing are as different as night and day."

The financial and political influence of this medical community completely controls virtually every diabetes publication in the country. Many diabetes publications are subsidized by ads for diabetes supplies.

No diabetes editor is going to allow the truth to be printed in his magazine. If a diabetes magazine starts putting up stories of how to cure your diabetes naturally, then what would be the point of having ads for drugs and supplies? Drug companies would stop sponsoring the magazine and it
would go out of business. The only way the magazine can survive is by printing stories of how great the drugs are.

This is why the diabetic only pays about one-quarter to one-third of the cost of printing the magazine, he depends upon for accurate information. The rest is subsidized by diabetes manufacturers with the avested commercial interest in preventing diabetics from curing their diabetes. When looking for sources that tell the truth about diabetes, look first to see if it is full of ads for diabetes supplies. And then there are the various associations that solicit annual donations to find a cure for their proprietary disease.

 Every year they promise that a cure is just around the corner—just send more money! Some of these very same associations have been clearly implicated in providing advice that promotes the progress of diabetes in their trusting supporters. For example, for years they heavily promoted exchange diets, which are in fact scientifically worthless—as anyone who has ever tried to use them quickly finds out. They ridiculed the use of glycemic tables, which are actually very helpful to the diabetic. They promoted the use of margarine as heart-healthy, long after it was well understood that margarine causes diabetes and promotes heart failure.

If people ever wake up to the cure for diabetes that has been suppressed for 40 years, these associations would soon be out of business. But until then, they nonetheless continue to need your support.

Cure versus Treatment

In many cases, natural methods work better than most drugs prescribed by doctors. This is why the force of law has been and is being used to drive the natural, often superior, medicines from the marketplace, to remove the word "cure" from the medical vocabulary and to undermine the very concept of a free marketplace in the medical business.

Now it is clear why the "cure" word is so vigorously suppressed by law. The FDA has extensive Orwellian regulations that prohibit the use of the "cure" word to describe any competing medicine or natural substance. It is precise because many natural substances do actually both cure and prevent the disease that this word has become so frightening to the drug companies and mainstream medical community.

Mainstream Medical Treatment

After the diagnosis of diabetes, modern mainstream medical treatment consists of either oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin.

In 1955, oral hypoglycemic drugs were introduced. Currently available oral hypoglycemic agents fall into five classifications according to their biophysical mode of action. These classes are biguanides; glucosidase inhibitors; meglitinides; sulphonylureas; and thiazolidinediones.

The biguanides lower blood sugar in three ways. They inhibit the liver’s normal release of its glucose stores, they interfere with intestinal absorption of glucose from ingested carbohydrates, and they are said to increase peripheral uptake of glucose.

Today, insulin is prescribed for both the Type I and Type II diabetics. Injectable insulin substitutes for the insulin that the body no longer produces. Of course, this treatment, while necessary for preserving the life of Type I diabetic, is highly questionable when applied to the Type II diabetic.

It is important to note that neither insulin nor any of these oral hypoglycemic agents exert any curative action whatsoever on any type of diabetes. None of these medical strategies is designed to normalize the cellular uptake of glucose by the cells that need it to power their activity.

 oh, so now you know the real picture and about what's going on around you and you may be thinking at this point surely that,

                HOW WILL I GET CURED THEN ??

"So What do I do?"

So What do I do?

So What do I do?


==>Start eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong ones.
How do you know which foods are good and which are bad? Well that's where our
team at the International Council for Truth in Medicine comes in. We have scoured
decades of scientific research and thousands upon thousands of studies that have
examined foods, food additives, vitamins and minerals and IT IS combined this

How do you know it works? Unlike most drugs, pills, fad diets, and other useless
crap sold to diabetics, our claims are scientifically proven - here are the results:

 The anti-diabetes eating plan is nearly TWICE as effective for lowering blood sugar
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It's not just diabetes that you can obliterate. Studies show how you can even lower your chance of dying from heart disease by 31%!

A study done nearly 50 years ago found that people who ate certain foods (That is 
 in detail further down in this bookThe 7 Steps to Health guide.) had THREE times higher risk of stroke.

There are 4 more pages of scientific studies proving these miraculous
results and showing exactly which foods destroy diabetes, and many many things more that is the real truth and the remedies of your deceases......
how much I will write more here just in a small blog!

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                                        Thanks & Regards,

                                           Nic John Smith