Top ways to make money with affiliate programs
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1. Write a review of some of some products, letting people know how good it is. Include your affiliate link at the end of the review. Post your review to free sites such as &
2. Use your blog or create a new one for free at sites such as, and post your review of our products, including your affiliate link. Then "ping" your blog at a site such as, so it gets picked up quickly by search engines.
3. Join popular marketing forums such as, and make frequent contributions to popular threads there. Be sure to go into your forum profile and edit your "signature". Make a signature that includes your affiliate link, or a link to your own "review" website of our product. That way, every time you make a post, anyone who sees it will see your signature and potentially click on your affiliate link.
4. Once every few weeks post a press release at, in which you include your favorable review of our product, along with your affiliate link. If you pay them a small fee, they will guarantee that your press release is picked up by all major search engines, potentially sending you thousands of visitors.
5. If you own an email list of newsletter subscribers or other people who have opted in to receive email offers from you, send them an email telling them about our website, and feel free to use some text from our homepage in your email. Include your affiliate link at the end of the email. You can even use our email samples.
*NOTE - We do not tolerate spamming in any way.
*NOTE - We do not tolerate spamming in any way.
6. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising: Using a PPC account from Google Ad words, Overture, or many others, you can easily generate income with our affiliate program. You can either send people directly to us using your affiliate link in your PPC ads, or you can create your own website in which you have a review of our product, followed by your affiliate tracking link.
7. Video advertising: Record short video review about our products and upload it to YouTube and other video sharing websites. (Learn how)
8. Upgrade yourself
Being an affiliate is not exceptionally difficult, but there are many tricks and techniques that can improve your results. Learn from the best - Affiliate Program Management: An Hour a Day is highly recommended reading for every affiliate.
Being an affiliate is not exceptionally difficult, but there are many tricks and techniques that can improve your results. Learn from the best - Affiliate Program Management: An Hour a Day is
9. Be responsive
If you have own website, simply talk to your visitors in real time using live chat software on your website and send them your affiliate links through chat.
If you have own website, simply talk to your visitors in real time using live chat software on your website and send them your affiliate links through chat.
Tips and tricks to earn more as an affiliate
- From our experience, you will get the best results from writing your own product reviews, even if it's short. You don't have to be a good writer. Just write what you really think about the product. When you publish your product review, use your general affiliate link (on the top) to send the user to our website.
- You will have much better conversion if you'll put your visitors into the pre-sold mood before sending them to our site. Pre-sold mood means that you build interest in product and visitor has decided to potentially buy it after he reads your product review.
Choose from various types of product descriptions, download and adjust them to fit in your site. Experiment with short or long, try to find a perfect combination with banners.- Try to think like a visitor, when he comes to your page with a review or affiliate link, you should draw his attention, build curiosity or feeling that he might need this kind of solution.
- Experiment with different banners, text links, or reviews. Keep these that bring good results, and change the others. Sometimes an only change of few words or color of the link can mean difference.