Biggest social media merger

Biggest social media merger

Facebook CEO Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is planning to ‘merge’ Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram.

The new york times is reporting this news for the first time today. 

It’s 2019 and Facebook is planning a big surprise, by connection the millions of users from its 3 giant social media platforms wiz. "facebook"  "whats app" and "Instagram" 

all of these three platforms have the massive user base and are being used worldwide by millions of users day and night. all the three platforms are unique of their kinds and containing million trillion user bites of data for the total of 35% population of the world!

it's amazing and astonishing in the record of the world's history that these many people will get together in the same platform first time ever.

Technically speaking the facebook will not directly be merged with what's app and Instagram, but their messaging services will be integrated completely.

the users will be benefited to start the chat to what's app users and Instagram users without leaving facebook platform. and similarly the same will happen from the other two platforms. 

currently, all these 3 apps will be separate and will be working same as separately as this time but this functionality to connect with others will be added to all of them.

The effects on the public and privacy

the merger will surely be benefited for Mr. Mark Zuckerberg and his organization, but as far as the privacy of public data and safety of it is a concern, they will be more open and ONE MAN WILL BE HOLDING  THE DATA OF 35% POPULATION OF THE WORLD!

MR. Zuckerberg, of course, mentioned to keep much more weight on privacy,  but it's well known that Facebook remained in much controversy of data leaks since last 2 years.

daily the combine users of all these 3 platforms will be 2.6 billion and that is a massive connection of people on a connected social media platform.

The merger said to be finished at around the start of the year 2020.


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