how walnut helps heart and blood pressure

How walnut can be useful to reduce the risk of heart attack and high blood pressure

Walnuts control the Blood Pressure and reduce possibilities of heart deceases.

Journal of American heart association has stated in a research publication that consuming walnuts controls your blood pressure and reduces the possibilities of heart deceases.

Before diving into walnut advantages for the heart, let me remind you, you would have heard lots of people saying that healthy nutrition is important for a healthy body but you need to know what the actual meaning of healthy nutrition is and why it is so important.

Let’s define nutrition

“Nutrition is the process of giving your body all the important and necessary elements which can help it to grow in proper and balanced way.”

Healthy nutrition can make your body strong and can help it to grow and repair itself

while an unhealthy nutrition plan can make your body weaker and can make you ill and you will not be able to fight against certain diseases.

Every food has not got nutrition and degree of nutrition in every food can vary.

 It may happen that some food items may contain high percentage of nutrition while some food items may not contain any nutrition at all.

For example an apple can provide your body lot more nutrition than a doughnut.

Now let us understand about the heart!

The heart is the center of the body’s cardiovascular system.
 Throughout the body's blood vessels, the heart pumps blood to all of the body's cells. The blood carries oxygen, which the cells need.

How Do You Get Heart Disease?

Heart disease is not contagious so it cannot be caught like the common cold or the everyday flu. Heart disease is a group of medical problems that occur when the heart and blood vessels aren't working the way they should.
 There are certain things that can increase a person's chances of getting cardiovascular disease, also known as Heart disease.

 These are commonly known as risk factors.

Some of these risk factors a person are not able to do anything about, such as getting older or having people in their family who have the same heart problem. Risk factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, being overweight, and not exercising enough can increase the risk of getting heart disease.

Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular disease is connected to each other and a common problem within society as a whole. With better choices in eating, exercising and decreased stress levels, anyone can have a happier and healthy life.

Here comes the walnut to help. It helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels and eliminates risk factors for heart disease. Way Almonds, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts and pecans are other nuts that appear to be quite heart healthy. But the walnut is Proven best !

The research was conducted with walnuts by university of Pennsylvania.

It notifies that walnut contains Omega3 which is called Alpha Linolenic Acid that has the shot form of ALA.

Scientists said it has better influence over blood pressure and when the blood pressure stays within limits, your heart smiles!

 The combination of healthy fats, protein, and fiber in walnuts helps to increase satisfaction and fullness, as well are offering a great help for the functioning of two major systems in the body, one is the blood pressure and second is the heart itself.

In simple way we can understand it that it’s good for both, the pump and the pipeline !

The tests were conducted on 45 people of the age group between 30 to 65.
They are given 3 different types of diets.

One diet contained only walnuts.

The second diet contained ALA and unsaturated fatty acids like vegetable oils, salmon and peanuts.

The Third Diet Contained ALA  and fatty acids like Nuts and seeds salmon an canola oil.

It was fairly concluded that the group that was given only walnuts, shown the improvements over high blood pressure and heart deceases.

Walnut also can cause softening of the stools and bloating.
 So it’s also good for the stomach. If You Suffer From IBS, IBD, Heartburn, or Bloating, walnut is good for you too.
Rich in polyunsaturated fats and the only nut source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts are a star food for cardiovascular health.

How to eat walnuts?

Walnuts can even be eaten raw otherwise Take Daily one or 2 Walnut Kernal with Milk It’s the best possible Way for walnut intake.

Add the walnuts in your daily eating practice and  be saved  from  many Ill consequences  of high blood pressure and heart deceases.

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