20 JavaScript Web Projects to Enhance Your Portfolio

20 JavaScript Web Projects to Enhance Your Portfolio

Modern HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to build Responsive and Mobile Friendly projects for your dream portfolio and resume!


here is what you will learn

  • 💡 Learn 20 projects using pure JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3 with provided code
  • 🚀 Progress from beginner to confident JavaScript developer
  • 🎨 Master UI/UX practices for responsive and mobile-first web apps
  • ⚡ Explore asynchronous programming with AJAX, Fetch API, Promises, and Async + Await
  • 🧹 Develop clean, maintainable, and performant JavaScript code
  • 🌐 Utilize Web APIs like localStorage, DOM, and more
  • 🖌️ Dive into modern HTML5 features like Canvas, Video, and Audio
  • 🎉 Explore modern CSS3 techniques including Animations, Transitions, and Variables
  • 🛑 Avoid common mistakes made by JavaScript programmers and beginners
  • 🏗️ Build 20 customizable, real-world frontend applications

Main features of learning

  • 🌟 Updated with all modern features of HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript!
  • 🚀 Live online community of over 900,000+ developers.
  • 🎓 Taught by industry experts with experience in Silicon Valley and Toronto.
  • 💼 Focus on efficiency to help you get hired or work as a freelancer.
  • 📚 No more wasting time on confusing or outdated tutorials.
  • 💻 Graduates are working at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JP Morgan, Facebook, and other top tech companies.
  • 🛠️ Step-by-step guidance through 20 JavaScript projects for your portfolio.
  • 🖥️ Learn to build projects using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • 🔑 JavaScript fundamentals are crucial for future career advancement.
  • 💰 Invest in learning JavaScript to future-proof yourself for years to come.

So what are we building? Get ready for this:

  • 🖥️ Spock Rock Game: Implemented with Confetti.js and modules.
  • 📜 Quote Generator: Utilizes Fetch and Async/Await to fetch quotes from a Quote API, handling CORS.
  • 🖼️ Picture-in-Picture: Utilizes the Picture-in-Picture API and Screen Capture API.
  • 📚 Bookmarks App: Uses DOM manipulation and localStorage for storing bookmarks.
  • 🚀 NASA APOD: Fetches data from NASA API using Async/Await, updates DOM, and utilizes localStorage for storage.
  • 🎉 Animated Navigation: Utilizes CSS Animations for animated navigation.
  • 🔄 Infinite Scroll: Fetches data from Unsplash API using Async/Await, updates DOM dynamically, and employs a Scroll Event Listener for infinite scrolling.
  • ⏳ Countdown App: Utilizes Date object and localStorage for countdown functionality.
  • 🎵 Music Player: Implements HTML 5 Audio API for playing music.
  • ➗ Calculator: Utilizes Math methods for calculations.
  • 🌟 Splash Page: Implements basic DOM manipulation for a splash page.
  • 🌓 Light/Dark Mode: Implements DOM manipulation and localStorage for switching between light and dark modes.
  • ✅ Form Validation: Utilizes DOM manipulation for form validation.
  • 😄 Joke Teller: Fetches jokes from a Joke API using Fetch and Async/Await, converts text to speech.
  • 📹 Video Player: Implements HTML 5 Video API for playing videos.
  • 🎨 MS Paint Clone: Utilizes Advanced HTML Canvas and localStorage for creating a MS Paint clone.
  • 🏓 Pong Clone: Implements Advanced HTML Canvas for creating a Pong game clone.
  • ➕ Math Sprint Game: Utilizes SetInterval, DOM manipulation, Array methods, and localStorage for a math sprint game.
  • 🔄 Animated Template: Utilizes Template and AOS.js for animated templates.
  • 🎯 Drag and Drop: Implements Drag and Drop API and localStorage.


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