cure Diabetes without any drug, pills or surgery- part 2

Leading Doctor Reveals His 'Odd 60-Second Body Movements Trick' That Reverses Type 2 Diabetes

From the desk of Dr. Ryan Shelton   

My name is Dr. Ryan Shelton, and I look forward to hearing your success story very soon.
"By Following The Exact Treatment I'm About To Reveal To You On This Very Page, Our Medical Researchers And Doctors Have Now Helped Thousands Of Type 2 Diabetics..."
 Finally Rid Themselves Of The Insulin Injections, The Prescription Drugs, Constant Finger Pricks, And Test Strips.
Stop Neuropathic Pain
Dramatically Cut Their Risk Of Limb Amputations
Significantly Improve Vision, And More......

This Is The Biggest Type 2 Diabetes Breakthrough In The Past 100 Years

I’m going to show you how from just 60 seconds a day, you can turn back the clock, effectively ‘reset’ your body’s ability to regulate your blood sugar, kick-start your pancreas...

In As Little As 50 Short Days...
Allowing you to live life to the full once again...
To live a life free of pain, inconvenience, worry, and fear.
  •  No Matter If You're 60, 80 Or Over 100
  •  No Matter Your Weight
  •  No Matter The Extent Of Your Type 2 Diabetes
  •  Even If Your Doctor Has Said Your Condition Is Hopeless.
In fact, by following the proven system on this very page, you can achieve all this without the frustration of yet another diabetic diet plan, without starving yourself...
Without Changing Your Diet At All.

Can You Imagine A Life 100% Free From Type II Diabetes?


Do You Remember Those Days When You Lived Without Fear And Worry?

When you were healthyslim and full of life when you could do whatever you wanted, and eat whatever you wanted, without the constant shadow of type 2 diabetes hanging over you.

Those Memories Probably Seem A Long Time Ago, Right?

After all, if you’re anything like my patients,

You probably think that those days are long gone, that this is your life now...

That you’ll never be free from type 2 diabetes.
But That’s Not The Way It Has To Be.
You see, I’m about to give you a second chance.
The chance you’ve been desperate for so long now.
The chance that deep down you knew was just around the corner.
The chance to start living your life again, 100% free from type 2 diabetes.

I Think It’s Important That I Reveal Exactly Who I Am...

And why we developed this pioneering treatment program in the first place.
I’ve been a practicing doctor for 12 years, and during that time I’ve witnessed the devastating impact that this horrible disease has had on my patients and their families.
I’ve seen young men and women suddenly struck down by blindness.
I’ve watched as surgeons have cut through the bones of my patients, removing, toes, feet, and legs.
I’ve seen other patients suffer agonizing neuropathic pain, and come into my office begging me for the strongest pain relief I can find.
I’ve seen loving mothers, fathers and grandparents barely able to speak or function due to a stroke, and I’ve seen even more leave this Earth 20 or even 30 years too soon due to kidney failure or heart disease, shattering the lives of their families in the process.
And To Be Totally Honest, I’ve Had Enough.
As a practicing physician for 12 years, I’ve seen with my own eyes the disturbing and rapid increase in the number of men, women, and children being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

There Are Currently More Than 371 Million People In The World Suffering From This Disease

This Number Is Expected To Reach 552 Million By 2030.
Diabetes is already the leading cause of kidney failure, non-traumatic lower-limb amputations, and new cases of blindness among adults in the U.S.
And diabetes is increasing at such an alarming rate, that a person DIES from this disease EVERY 7 SECONDS.
Incredible isn’t it.
Just think about that for a moment…
7 Seconds…!
The American Diabetes Association Recently Reported That “People With Diagnosed Diabetes Incur Average Medical Expenditures Of About $13,700 Per Year.”

Today’s Diabetes Medications Are NOT Capable Of Making You Better.

They Can’t.
Call your own physician and ask the very same question...
And he or she will give you the same answer.
If you think things will get better by simply taking your type 2 diabetes medications. You will be swallowing tablets for the rest of your life.

But What I Am Saying Is That...

You Will NEVER Be Free From Type 2 Diabetes If You Continue Doing What You’re Doing

The truth of the matter is that type 2 diabetes is 100% reversible.


I’d always known that EXERCISE was a crucial part of the type 2 diabetes treatment process, and I’d always recommended that my patients try to get more exercise.
I’d seen how many of my patients who had exercised even a small amount saw dramatic and almost instant improvements in their blood glucose levels, lipids, blood pressure, cardiovascular health, and overall quality of life.

But The Problem I’d Always Found Was That Modern Day Society Didn’t Leave Time For Exercise.

For Many, Even Mentioning Exercise Would Be An Immediate Turn Off.

And I completely understood.

The Ultimate Treatment For Effectively Reversing Both Type 2 Diabetes, And Pre-Diabetes, Quickly, Safely And 100% Naturally.

So How Does It Work?

Well, simply put, HIIT recruits more muscle fibers than other forms of exercise, thereby rapidly depleting muscle glycogen levels and consequently promoting a greater increase in post-exercise muscle insulin sensitivity.

Plus, performing HIIT over a longer period of time, such as a few weeks, has been proven to reduce body fat better than any other type of exercise, which is absolutely crucial when it comes to reducing the effects, and the risks, of Type 2 Diabetes.

Because If You’re Worried That This Sounds Like Hard Work, Don’t Be.

And That’s Because When It Comes To HIIT, LESS IS MORE!

A Program Specifically Formulated For Those With Type 2 Diabetes That Would Naturally Kick-Start The Pancreas, Lower Blood Sugar And Allow Anyone, No Matter What Age, Weight Or Current Condition To Effectively Reverse Their Type 2 Diabetes.

We Had A Queue Of Eager And ExcitedTrial Patients Outside Our Office And Stretching Round The Corner Ready To Put It To The Test.

The results? Well, they were astonishing.
Within As Little As 50 Days, Blood Sugar Readings Were Slashed From 242 To 144, From 220 To 110, From 206 To 108, And So On And So On.

Rates of hypertension fell dramatically
Some cases of neuropathy were virtually wiped out.
Quality of vision dramatically improved....

We Decided To Publish Our Easy To Follow, Step By Step System Online For Each And Every Type 2 Diabetes Sufferer To Access.

A Program That Has Since Been Hailed As The Number One Breakthrough In Type 2 Diabetes Treatment In The Last 100 Years.
And We Called It The Diabetes 60 System – 60 Seconds A Day To Becoming Type 2 Diabetes Free.
A Program That Has Since Been Hailed As The Number One Breakthrough In Type 2 Diabetes Treatment In The Last 100 Years.
The Diabetes 60 System is the world’s first and ONLY program that has been scientifically proven time and time again to reverse Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes, 100% naturally, and in as little as 50 days.
Instead of drugs, which merely paper over the cracks and do nothing to fix the underlying problem, this system works by attacking type 2 diabetes at the source – insulin resistance – dramatically improving insulin sensitivity and lowering blood sugar levels in the process, completely naturally.

The Program Requires As Little As 60 Seconds Of Activity A Day

And the most amazing thing is, you can achieve these results from the comfort of your own home, without having to spend hours working out, and without having to spend a single penny on gym memberships or exercise equipment. And the most amazing thing is, you can achieve these results from the comfort of your own home, without having to spend hours working out, and without having to spend a single penny on gym memberships or exercise equipment.

This is so easy, that even users of this system who are 70, 80, or even 100 years old with zero flexibility and zero experience have been following and enjoying the dramatic effects of this protocol without any problems at all.

It Doesn't Matter If You're Overweight Or Underweight, Your Strength Or Fitness Levels.

Your Blood Sugar Will Start To Normalize.
  •  You Will Feel More Energetic.
  •  You Will Be Losing Weight.
  •  And Most Importantly You Will Be Rapidly Improving Your Insulin Sensitivity, Effectively Reversing Your Type 2 Diabetes.
Plus, the program is incredibly flexible, allowing you to move forward at your own pace.
So no matter what your physical capabilities are, you’ll be able to find the perfect movements to perform, and then gradually build up as you go.
And as I’ve said, the program has already produced spectacular results for thousands of people across the World.

The #1 Solution To Type 2 DiabetesApproved By Doctors Worldwide

So The Next Question You’re Probably Asking Yourself Is How Much Will It Cost To Get Your Hands On This System?

we actually created this program to help people.
We stand by our Hippocratic Oath that demands we put the health of our patients above all. And that means money too.
So with that in mind, we are not going to ask you for $597, or even $200 for that matter.
And you can be sure we are not even going to ask for $100, or even half that.
The fact is, all we are trying to do here is cover the costs of creating this website, and keep it running for as long as possible.
And we would feel we have let ourselves down if even one diabetic sufferer wasn't able to afford this system and put its incredible protocol into work for themselves
That’s it.
That’s less than a meal out at a restaurant or a couple of tickets to the cinema.
Yet for that exact same price, we are giving you the chance to reverse your Type 2 diabetes, or pre-diabetes, in as little as 50 days, from just 60 seconds of effort per day.
And all you need to do to lock in this special limited time pricing is hit the Buy Now button below.

So Just To Remind You, For A One-Time Payment Of Only $39, You’re Getting The Entire Diabetes 60 System

  • The Diabetes 60 System Guide
  •  The Diabetes 60 System 8-Week Protocol
  •  The Diabetes 60 System Video Collection
  •  BONUS: Diabetes 60 System Recipe Collection

And all you need to do is hit the ‘Buy Now’ button below to get started.

You Will Then Be Asked To Enter Your Details Using Our Safe And Secure 256-Bit Encryption System

The Exact Same Technology Used By The World’s Largest Banks.
Once you’ve placed your order, you will then be immediately redirected to our private members’ area, allowing you to download and use the ENTIRE system straight to your PC, Mac, laptop, cell phone or tablet, and you will also receive 24/7 access to our support team who will be on hand to answer any questions you might have.
You Can Access The Exclusive Members’ Area And The Entire System 24 Hours A Day, On Computer Tablet Or Cell Phone.
Remember, this is the world’s first and only 100% natural type 2 diabetes-specific treatment program, scientifically proven to dramatically lower blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity and effectively reverse Type 2 Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes at the source – and it can be yours in less than 2 minutes from now.
Finally, there is a real alternative to expensive, side-effect ridden medication that does nothing more than keep you spinning on the never-ending type 2 diabetes treadmill, hurtling faster and faster towards an early grave.

Let Me Clear About Something…
I’m Not Advising You To Stop Taking Your Medication.

But the fact is, thanks to this pioneering treatment program, in as little as just 50 days from now, you will no longer need to waste thousands of dollars a year on insulin injections, hospital visits, medication and type 2 diabetes related medical equipment that keeps you trapped in a never-ending cycle of drug dependency.
You will no longer need to build every day of your life around when you need to have your next injection, take your next blood sugar reading, or visit your doctor.
You will no longer need to deny yourself your favorite foods, and live out the rest of your life chomping away miserably on bland and tasteless diabetic diets.
You know as well as I do that this is no way to live.
But The Good News Is, It Simply Doesn’t Have To Be This Way Anymore.

Is That Really A Risk You Want To Take, When Right In Front Of You, Right Now, Stands A Safe, 100% Natural And Scientifically Proven Way To Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes?
Is Your Health And Wellbeing Not Worth $39?
I think it is.
And I think your family would agree with me.
So why wait for a potentially life-threatening health condition to strike you down BEFORE you make the decision to take action and try something different?
Make the right decision now, for both yourself and your family.
And do it now.

Because Remember, Every 7 SecondsDiabetes Takes Another Life.

Which means while you’ve been reading this presentation, 385 people have died because of this terrible disease.

Don’t Let Yourself Become Another Name Tag On The Diabetes Death List.
Don’t wait until it’s too late before you decide to take action and try something different.
Hit The “Buy Now” Button Below, Take Advantage Of This 60-Day Risk-Free Trial, And Start Reversing Your Type 2 Diabetes From Just 60 Seconds A Day.
My name is Dr. Ryan Shelton, and I look forward to hearing your success story very soon.