Google launches new entry-level cybersecurity certificate on Coursera
Today, we are pleased to announce the new entry-level Google Cybersecurity Professional Certificate. The certificate is designed to help individuals with no previous experience or college degree land their first job in the field of cybersecurity.
Despite the demand for cybersecurity rapidly increasing, there’s a severe shortage of skilled talent. As of last year, there were only 65 cybersecurity professionals in the workforce for every 100 available jobs. In the US alone, there are 750,000 open cybersecurity jobs, and many employers are placing more importance on hands-on experience and certification than a college degree when hiring cybersecurity talent.
The new, eight-course certificate from Google helps learners prepare for this growing job field in under 6 months with about 5-10 hours of study per week. Learners will develop both technical and workplace skills, from the foundations of networks and security models to escalating issues to stakeholders and prioritization. The program features hands-on practice with industry standard tools, including Python, Linux, SQL, and Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools, to name a few.
Upon completion, learners will be ready for entry-level roles such as cybersecurity analyst and SOC (security operations center) analyst. Learners in the US will be able to connect with 150+ employers who are committed to considering certificate completers for open roles, including American Express, Colgate-Palmolive, Mandiant (now part of Google Cloud), T-Mobile, Walmart, and Google.
The new certificate joins a growing catalog of Google entry-level programs on Coursera that include data analytics, digital marketing, IT support, project management, and UX design, which have reached millions of learners globally since launching. We are proud to continue our partnership with Google to further expand access to key skills needed to launch quality careers in growing digital fields.
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