Ketosis For Weight Loss And Health

June 12, 2018
lose 20lb's  in a month and a half by this excellently proven keto diet system        

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What is Ketosis?

By now you have probably heard of the ketogenic diet, but do

you know how it works?

The ketogenic diet is a low-carb diet where the body burns fat for fuel (instead of carbs) and turns your body into 

                                      a fat-burning machine.
check the system -- click here

You will also enjoy the enhanced mental performance when using

                            fat for fuel, instead of glucose (carbohydrates)

Nowadays more and more people are making the switch

to keto and enjoying fat loss, elevated performance, stable

energy levels and on the overall sense of well-being.

But one thing you may NOT know...

If the Keto diet is not done correctly, you could end up 

with symptoms of “KETO FLU” or you can hit the “KETO WALL” where your weight loss plateaus and health benefits of keto 

are not realized!

lifestyle easier and more effective so that you don’t hit the “Keto Wall”

or experience the “Keto Flu”

Learn more about Keto Balance and how to turn your

body into a fat-burning machine.

How essential is ketosis for weight loss & health?

Whilst cutting your carbs and transitioning to a keto diet isn't the only 
way to a trim physique and healthy lifestyle, the science shows that it 
can play a 
· Tired of that belly fat? Numerous studies have shown a ketogenic diet
sheds the weight, particularly around the midsection (belly fat is the aMAJOR driver of chronic inflammation).
· Problems with cholesterol or blood sugar? Research suggests that
ketosis can help reduce triglyceride measures, lower blood sugar and
even improve levels of beneficial HDL cholesterol.
· Starting to get brain fog? A ketogenic diet may enhance memory 
& potentially provide therapeutic support for neurological disorders such as epilepsy, Alzheimer’s & autism.
But WAIT! Are you doing the KETO Diet right??

If the Keto diet is not done correctly, you could end up with symptoms of “KETO FLU” or you can hit the “KETO WALL” 
where your weight loss plateaus and health benefits of keto 
are not realized!
To enjoy all of the potential benefits to the fullest, you need to approach ketosis in a healthy, calculated way.
Three things that you need to consider:
1) Fat Sources:
Having a short-term fuel source like MCT oil is great for getting into ketosis fast and kickstarting ketone production. But it's equally important to include some longer chain fatty acids in your diet to maximize your metabolic flexibility and fuel availability!
2) Omega 6:3 Balance to Cut Inflammation:
Did you know that when you eat grain-fed dairy or beef that you are getting an abundance of Omega 6 fatty acids? Did you know when you
eat the same beef grass-fed, you are getting Omega 3 fatty acids?
Most people get way TOO many omega 6 fatty acids and when those run
high, inflammation runs wild, and the amazing benefits of KETO 
(like weight loss) become impossible to reach.
3) Healthy Liver Function for Continued Success:
The health of your liver is the foundation of a healthy ketosis journey. 
It’s the site where ketones are actually produced, so if you're looking 
to enjoy keto long term, it’s crucial that you have measures in place 
to support liver function.
Here’s the great news:
Now there is a keto drink which supports ALL of the positive benefits 
of a keto diet!
In a delicious chocolate flavor with Coconut-Based MCT’s, Algal 
Omega 3s and Collagen from Grass-Fed Beef - all wrapped up in 
a special Micelle Liposome Delivery for MAX absorption.
KETO Balance isn't just about helping you get into ketosis and skyrocketing ketone production. It was designed with the long game 
in mind too.
Keto Balance will shed your belly fat, support your gut and liver function, enhance your metabolic pathways, help keep inflammation at bay and more - so you can enjoy a ketogenic or low carb diet long-term.

1 Tablespoon Burns Through Body Fat
It's no secret that losing weight can be hard...And that getting
rid of stubborn body fat can feel downright impossible. 

If you have an extra layer clinging to your belly...your butt...
or your thighs... Then chances are high you've already tried
nearly everything to reshape your body...
But with little results. 

Fortunately all that's about to change...

Because scientists have recently discovered a highly potent
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And that's already helping thousands of men and women to burn through their body fat for good.

It's not a gimmick...

All it takes is 1 Tablespoon each day. To instantly activate
your body's fat-burning potential...

While supporting your heart health, your cholesterol, your
memory, and your body's inflammatory response.

Click here now[CHECK] to see exactly what this fat-burning liquid is...
Plus how you can start using it from the comfort of your own home...
Plus how you can start using it from the comfort of your own home...

Lower your Cholesterol Effectively by weight loss - part 2

June 08, 2018
                                YES, YOU CAN DO IT TOO, IN JUST 30 DAYS OR LESS


Here is how your arteries work and function - THE GOOD
    Each layer of these arteries is made up of epithelial cells.
   The middle layer is elastic and very strong.
    It helps pump the body's blood.
   The inner layer is smooth and allows the blood to flow easily.
   As the heart beats, the arteries expand and are filled with blood.
   The heart relaxes and produces enough force to push the blood through.
If you are healthy, this whole intricate circulatory system works well with the oxygen-rich blood moving and transporting essentials throughout the body successfully so and unhindered.

Why cholesterol is not good for your arteries per se - THE 
   Any fatty deposits that cause blockages and obstacles that interfere put you at risk for disease (heart attack and stroke)
   These thick substances WILL prevent your body from working well.
   Your heart will eventually become starved of the required blood - you are and will be at great risk. You might even die because of it.
When this build up and thickening occurs due to high levels of bad cholesterol, you need to deal with the problem and 'unclog' your arteries, getting rid of the residue and fatty deposits. For those of us with an early catch of this condition and a good prognosis, even clear arteries (for now), ALWAYS REMEMBER prevention is better than cure! There are medications, lifestyle changes and even invasive procedures to deal with this problem in order to hand you back your quality of life and deal effectively with lowering your cholesterol.
Yesterday's top standards quickly become today/tomorrow's entry-requirements. This is also true for cholesterol. Even borderline or acceptable levels of cholesterol will not be enough! Exercise and healthy eating is critical regardless! CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE, CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND YOUR FUTURE FOR THE BETTER! It will make a world of difference in the long run. Keeping your levels well within, even far below the accepted is to be highly recommended.
There are some very simple steps all of us can take, deemed necessary to lower cholesterol and enjoy a better and possibly longer life. We will briefly look at some of them
Food choice, nutrition, diet, preparation, portion, and types of food, regularity of meals, fats and salt, a variety of fresh foods are all part of this equation and dynamic.
YOU CAN CONTROL WHAT MAKES IT WAY INTO YOUR MOUTH! It is as simple as that. Willpower and discipline, informed, empowering and life-enabling choices are what this is all about.
Controlling your diet is one of the things you can use to quickly get your cholesterol levels down and in check. IT IS ANOTHER GREAT FIRST STEP!
    It is easy to understand and act on the fact that you should rather be following a low cholesterol and low-fat diet. It is in your best interest, to get better and live a fuller life.
    Set a goal of trying to reduce your cholesterol by at least 15 percent through your initial efforts and changed habits, lifestyle and food choices and intake.
    Energy and feelings of wellness will return to your life as a bonus.
    Our bodies are designed and meant to be moving! If you choose to engage in regular exercise schedules and routines this will raise your "good" HDL levels for a total package of healthy living. There is a positive correlation between the two.
But, what does eating right (following a low cholesterol and low-fat diet) really mean?
Here are some suggestions that might help you take a serious look at and even change and adapt your own lifestyle to one that is healthier and will sustain your heart health, lower your cholesterol and risk for disease and increase your longevity:
   WATCH OUT FOR HIDDEN DANGERS! Try above else to avoid foods that contain harmful trans-fats such as margarine, salad dressing, and sauces. Rather opt for lemon juice and natural flavorings and get rid of all these added salts and fats! (Rather NOT 'ADD' for flavor - it could get you right back in trouble with those cholesterol levels).

    KNOW, SET, STICK TO YOUR PLAN AND LIMITS! Eating and taking in LESS than 200 milligrams of dietary cholesterol each day, or follow the limits for dietary cholesterol that your doctor sets for you, which might be even less than 'normal' if deemed appropriate in your case.
    LESS SALT IS ALSO GOOD FOR YOU. Limit your sodium intake to 2400 milligrams a day.
If you are faced with really high/bad cholesterol levels, get very low portions of saturated fat in at all. Some say between 25-35% or less from 'fat' per se is a good rule of thumb.

Being obese, overweight or simply just carrying some excess weight is never good for you. Seen from this perspective it can also contribute to cholesterol and to heart ailments. GET AND KEEP THE WEIGHT OFF! CUT CALORIES AND EAT FOR THE RIGHT REASON: Eat only enough calories to improve your healthy weight and reduce your blood cholesterol level.
many weight loss programs are good for you to lose some extra fat from your body. and it has many advantages starting from your looks.
if you are a woman, you obviously want to look attractive because of many reasons, and it's a natural thing also. if you are a man, again you want to look handsome and young. and thinking that, you are unknowingly , want to be prevented from those deceases , those are caused by high level of cholesterol that is related to you extra weight.
so I can say, from all above discussion that the raising of high cholesterol and the consequent life-threatening deceases are born because of the extra fat that you have put on on your body.
so the first thing according to any doctor's advise, would be -- that you join a good weight loss program and REDUCE YOUR EXTRA FAT 

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO ..AND feel the situation !! what if some day you are put in to this kind of situation ???

I can suggest surely a good and effective way of losing your extra fat, even 1 pound per day by just using the program by following it daily for just 2 minutes!
yes, check it if you really want to know about it and stay healthy and want to be in shape looking presentable always !!
Thanks & Regards,

Lower your Cholesterol Effectively by weight loss - part 1

June 07, 2018
                                YES, YOU CAN DO IT TOO, IN JUST 30 DAYS OR LESS

let's begin the quest to understand the cholesterol first and the connection of it with your body weight then we will find the Keys to unlocking the secrets of lowering cholesterol.

For most of us, worrying about cholesterol starts with a diagnosis and some treatment suggestions by our physicians. For others, wanting to live healthy lives, lowering their cholesterol is an important well-being and health-conscious priority.

Maybe some new research, study or statistics gave you reason and pause for thought, concern and/or reflection. Whether you are concerned about your own health, a loved one, or maybe just someone you know or care about, this Blog article will have valuable insights for you.
Most of us are worried about having or getting the dreaded diagnosis of high levels of "bad" cholesterol. Whatever the motivation was for you picking up this book, there are lots to learn to surround this life-enabling or debilitating health concern.
In fact, many experts now think that high cholesterol levels are among the greatest health problems that face us today. In this Blog Series, you will learn how to take control of your health. By the end , you will know:
  How to speak to your doctor about cholesterol and get the information you need to do the right thing and lower your cholesterol

Myths regarding cholesterol that deserve your attention

•The secrets that can make healthy cholesterol a part of your life permanently!

•What cholesterol is and why it is important

•What secrets you should know to live a healthy life

•What to eat for a healthy heart and to lower your cholesterol maintain it and stick with your       plan on keeping it within and below acceptable limits, for a healthy life and longevity

•What too high cholesterol can do and treatments that can help you lower your cholesterol
... and much, much more!
 Practical, handy tips and advice are provided throughout the Blog series, to help you along the way.
It is NOT structured as a systematic DYI process, for each situation and individual and challenges we face are the difference. Lowering cholesterol is also NOT a logical sequential process. It is a complex, layered and multi-faceted problem and issue. High cholesterol can kill you! 

That is the seriousness and reality at hand here. There are several ways of dealing effectively with it and lots you can do,

to help lower it right away and manage your health long term. What you need to do might differ greatly from the person next to you also reading y blog series now,


BUT, this guide is versatile enough that there is a customization possible for each and every one of us, dealing with lowering cholesterol in our own lives. It is unique and personalized and it will help you come up with your personal 'treatment' and plan of action. 

It will provide you with everything you need to come up with your own tailored solution that is just right for your situation and circumstance!

Cholesterol is still a medical problem and diagnosis first and foremost. It is of extreme importance that you do consult with your physician about your condition and get the treatment and intervention that is right for you. 
Coming up with the plan of action is part of your strategy of 'getting within and below acceptable limits for your cholesterol' LOWERING IT a priority! Ask your doctor, which of the tips and recommendation in this blog series might be helpful to you.

Let us get right to it then...
If you have ever struggled with losing weight, then you may have come to the conclusion that it is virtually impossible to do so. and your cholesterol levels are very well related to your eating habits and finally your weight.
The reality is that it doesn't have to be all that hard. On the other hand, if you think that taking off those extra pounds is a quick and easy process that doesn't require any effort on your part, then you are going to be let down. If you're sincere about weight loss and you're ready to follow a sensible eating plan, get moving and changing your attitude, you will lose weight more quickly.   
Sometimes it seems as though diet and weight loss plans are a regular part of our lives; coming and going more often than we would like to admit. These are often fad diets that we latch on to in the hopes of finally finding the one that "really works".
 However, it's not a good idea to start any diet before you fully understand. The good news is that there are diet programs that have stood the test of time, and have been proven to work. Another thing that you may want to consider is that weight loss is not a one-time physical act. Instead, it's a lifestyle change that you incorporate into your life. 
Let's be clear, there are many reasons why people don't stick to weight loss programs, but lack of motivation usually isn't one of them. What's needed are some basic ways of increasing the odds of success. Here are some things you can do to put the odds in your favor. 

1. Maintain your focus
A lot has been said about willpower and its lack of effectiveness. The problem with willpower is that it sets up the wrong mindset. When you think about it, you only need willpower when you are feeling deprived. Once you start thinking about things you can't have, or how hard it all is, you are setting yourself up for failure. You need something better, and that's where focus comes in. It's the opposite of willpower. Focus on why you want to lose weight, what your ultimate goal is, and how you will feel once you reach your target weight. When you're focused, you are thinking about the positive aspects of your weight loss plan, and that's a good thing.   
2. Get moving  
Some people like to call this exercise, but at the same time, that word has negative connotations for a lot of people. Regardless of what you call it, you need to get moving if you want to increase your chances of success. The key is to participate in activities that you enjoy. This could be going for a walk, bowling, dancing, gardening, or playing frisbee. Just remember that any extra activity equals extra calories burned. 
3. Effort 
Yes, weight loss takes effort. There is no way around it. Fortunately, the more effort you put in, the more weight you will lose. 

Statistics make it very clear that the population, as a whole, is getting heavier and heavier. The problem with this is that it comes with a lot of bad consequences on our health. Perhaps that why so many people are trying to lose weight. One of the most common ways of doing this is to find a weight loss program that sounds interesting. If you are looking for a weight loss program, then you are aware of how many different ones are out there. In fact, there are so many that it can get downright confusing, but that should never be an excuse for not losing weight. With that in mind, here are some tips to help you choose the best weight loss program for you. 
I can suggest you a weight plan that works exactly well and right for your needs of losing your weight and ultimately controlling your cholesterol levels and puts you in a far better condition in a few days.
a more good thing about this plan is, you don't have to work hard or to struggle to lose the weight. it's designed in such a fantastic way, that, let me tell you, you will hardly come to know, and your weight will be reduced so easily as per your target! sometimes the effectiveness implies in such a great way that person loses 1 pound per day and in just a few days, has to buy new skirts, and pants, because the west line is now so thinner!  
if you feel you want to follow my recommended weight loss plan, and keen to lose pounds from your body for sure,  click here to check out that plan and understand it, that worked very effectively on millions, whether a man or a woman......
Thanks & Regards,
CARLITO - 06/07/2018  

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