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December 30, 2018

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How to remove tattoos naturally

December 17, 2018
How to remove tattoos naturally

When you talk about natural tattoo removal, how does it work exactly? I get that you're using body-safe, natural ingredients, but I don't understand how they act on the body to remove tattoos."

I've been getting a lot of questions about this. It seems a lot of people appreciate the safety aspects of natural removal (compared to laser), but don't quite understand how natural removal works.

Did you know that your skin exfoliates on its own, without you doing anything?

It's true, in fact, the layers of skin that you see are actually dead. That's why you can rub a fingernail against your skin and not even feel anything. But if you push deep or use the sharpened end of a pair of scissors – different story. You're going to feel it, and it's not going to be pleasant. In fact, you may see some red. You didn't strike oil, but you did strike living skin cells.

Accelerated exfoliation gets to that layer. It does so by doing something the body normally doesn't do on its own -- it increases the rate at which living skin cells die and rise to the surface.

Now, this may sound like a bad thing, but the other side to the exfoliation process is that young skin cells mature to take the place of the ones on the layer above them that much quicker as well. So there's no harm, and you get the added benefit of bringing up the deep subcutaneous skin layers that normally don't exfoliate at all.

These are exactly the layers that tattoo artists target as they embed ink. This is why tattoos hold for a long time even when the top layers of your skin do not.

You can see where this is going. To remove the tattoo, we then need to exfoliate deeper layers than normal. Here’s how: First we use various ingredients to enhance skin exfoliation. Then these deeper layers come to the top. The ink trapped alongside the deep layers comes up as well and wipes off with the brush of a towel.

Of course, all of this is an abbreviated explanation and it's not going to happen that quickly, in fact, it takes weeks. But when you compare that to the much slower “vaporize, scar, heal, and vaporize again” laser approach to ink removal, who in their right mind would choose laser?

Now you know why I say that the only people who choose laser removal either don't understand or have never heard about natural deep exfoliation. It's just plain a better method for tattoo removal.

Thankfully you don't have to make that mistake. If you don't already have a copy of theLaserless Tattoo Removal Guide, everything we talked about is in there, including the details on how to get it done with skin safe ingredients from your grocery store: [link]

Laserless Tattoo Removal Guide review

December 17, 2018
  Dorian Davis's
Laserless Tattoo Removal Guide review

Doreen Davis was kind enough to send me a copy of the Laserless Tattoo Removal Guide in exchange for an honest review. I know a lot of people with tattoos who would rather see them faded, covered, or gone altogether so I was eager to see and apply Dorian's teachings.

Initial Insights

The first thing I appreciated about the guide was that it actually explained what tattoos were at a deep level, including where they are located within the skin and a host of other details I had no idea about. This was a pretty big deal to me because if I was going to be changing my body, I wanted to know what was going on.

Natural vs laser removal

You probably already know that laser tattoo removal is currently the "hot thing" on TV and local billboards. Heck, I probably wouldn't have just done it myself if it wasn't so expensive!

But Dorian really goes into the laser removal process in a way you never hear about at a consult. He shows both the good and the bad that comes with using high-powered, medical grade lasers to vaporize skin ink. Without copying the whole chapter I'll say it really widened my eyes and made me rethink laser tattoo removal in a completely different way.


Now we're getting to the nuts and bolts, the actual tattoo removal methods. There are several of them each with their own benefits and drawbacks. Most of the methods rely on activating the skin's natural exfoliation process in order to drive subsurface ink up to the top. That's a much cleaner process than laser and the price is several magnitudes cheaper as well.

Even a skeptic would be silly not to start with these methods, the considered laser is something like $200-$500 for a single session.


Do you have a tattoo? Do you want to remove it? Without paying thousands of dollars? Well, then you must get The Laserless Tattoo Guide. That’s the bottom line. This is perhaps the best guide on the market for taking a tattoo off at home.

It also comes with a 60-day money back guarantee, so I suggest deciding whether to keep it or not 30 to 60 days after reading it. I've done this with other types of guides with guarantees and boy has it saved me from going down the wrong path, so take advantage.

Find the full guide here:

Best of luck with your all-natural tattoo removal,

Dangers of laser tattoo removal

December 17, 2018
Dangers of laser tattoo removal

Thought experiment: if somebody took away all your knowledge and told you to go with the most popular route – laser removal – would you do it?

Hmmm… thought experiments. They push you to think about your position in a whole new way.

Would I do a laser removal if it was the only thing I knew for getting ink off my skin? No I wouldn't. The risks are simply not worth the benefit.

And I don't care if I had my ex-girlfriend Maria's name tattooed across my chest in big block letters, and my current girlfriend was fuming about it. I’d explain my situation to her using exactly what I'm about to tell you right now:

Laser removal damages skin cells

When you go into a laser removal consultation, either the doctor or his assistant will tell you that the laser they use is highly precise and specifically calibrated to target ink pigment cells.

All of this is correct. But what you may not hear is that vaporizing ink pigment heats up the skin cells around the ink, and can cause the skin cells to suffer water loss and premature death.

Fresh, living skin below the surface where the ink lies, are killed as a result of laser tattoo removal. The only question is how many?

Too many living skin cells killed and there is a substantial risk of scarring. Each and every time you visit the laser clinic, you contend with this issue.

Which brings me to my second point: Since vaporizing subsurface ink is relatively hard on the skin, doctors have to spread out treatments over months and years before the level of fade is good enough to call the job finished. It's just more opportunity for the skin to get damaged each time.

Infection risk

What happens to your body when it's knocked out of its natural balance? Opportunists quickly take advantage. And that's exactly what happens after a laser session that leaves your skin cells weak and unable to protect themselves. Infections can and do occur.

Scar formation

An overgrowth of scar tissue called Keloid scarring is one of the more unfortunate side effects of laser removal surgery. Not only does an unattractive scar appear over the skin, but it is usually raised and textured as well. Unfortunately, these are not temporary scars either.

Laser removal is uneven

The effectiveness of ink removal lasers is dependent on the laser's ability to target the specific ink pigment that produces the tattoo's color. If you have a multicolored tattoo, this is bad news. It's very unlikely that a black, blue, and red tattoo will remove evenly.

Is the risk worth it?

Even if we make-believe that there are no natural tattoo removal methods, there's always the cover-up option. A coverup takes what you thought was a tattoo that couldn't be turned into anything else, and makes it something completely different. I've seen ex-girlfriend's an ex-boyfriend's names turned into unicorns, tribal symbols, you name it. It can be done.

So my answer again to the question "laser tattoo removal or nothing" is absolutely nothing (or the coverup instead).

Okay, now that we're back to reality, and natural methods do exist, theLaserless Tattoo Removal Guide will be of help to anyone who doesn't feel like spending months and thousands of dollars on an inherently more risky procedure than simple home-based exfoliation methods. Check out the guide here

earn money from youtube without making any videos

November 15, 2018

“Discover How To Generate A Regular Income Direct From YouTube Without Creating Any Of Your Own Videos!”

Hi … as a savvy operator, you’ll know some folks are quietly making serious money from YouTube

but do you realize just how much that can be?

Their channels are pulling in THREE MILLION dollars a year 

Here’s the secret of their success

You see, there’s a science behind every successful venture – whether it’s putting Neil Armstrong on the Moon, baking a cake or making money with YouTube.

Use the correct recipe, and you’ll be successful every single time.

is it right?

But, just throw a few random ingredients into a bowl and you’ll simply end up with a sticky mess.


And it’s exactly the same with YouTube: provided you follow a proven formula, you can pretty much guarantee success.



You really need someone, who has the formula, to take you by the hand and lead you to success


I’ve created a simple program so you can look over my shoulder and see exactly how I initially set up my YouTube channel to achieve maximum views and engagement and how roughly 30 minutes a week is all it takes to make serious cash from youtube and soon you can start making money from youtube just like me and hundreds of our members who have signed up and is now making thousands of dollars each month on youtube.

 Who is my program for?

It’s for YOU if you want to make money on YouTube
And I’ve carefully paced it, to make it a no-brainer, even if you’re a complete rookie..


YES !!

And, if you’re a more experienced player, it also has plenty of little-known tips and tricks to astonish and delight you

NOW see what are you going to get.

And here’s just a tiny peek at the amazing insider secrets I’m going to share with you in carefully paced, bite-sized video tutorials, covering everything you need for YouTube success...

·         How to access between five and 25 MILLION YouTube videos for free (no copyright problems and nothing to pay – ever! ).

·         How to make money one very video – paid direct into your bank account every month, like clockwork.

·         Clever ways to repurpose these videos for your own use – yes, it’s completely legal and entirely within YouTube’s TOS (they even provide a built-in video editor).

·         How you save countless hours creating your own videosbecause you simply don’t have to do any of that.

·         The awesome power of the YouTube editing suite (plus the little-known trick to have YouTube make videos for you, using your own still photos).

·         How to access thousands of hours of free music (no royalties … no copyright issues … no hassle).

·         The street-wise way to get good keyword ideas.
·         When NOT to use the free music facility on YouTube – don’t miss this, because it will avoid you losing money!

·         Reverse engineering one of my top ranking videos. Watch over my shoulder as I show you the various reasons why this video is ranked so high, having already received 543,271 views and counting.

·         What’s in a title? In a word – everything! So I’ll show you the simple, yet highly effective, way to craft the perfect eye-ball-grabbing title that ALSO gets you high up in the search results.

·         How to get your video on the first page of the searches (all it takes is this three-second trick).

·         The FATAL errors people make with their video descriptions and how you won’t make them anymore – once you know the secrets.

·         The ideal number of words for your main keyword phrase (plus the perfect place to put them).

·         The vital addition to your description few people even know about - yet it gives an enormous boost to your rankings.

·         How to avoid being penalized by YouTube for setting up your keywords and tags incorrectly (ignore this at your peril).

·         How to communicate with your channel subscribers – it’s all about correct timing.
·         The smart way to greatly increase your YouTube income.

·         The vital art of creating the right tags (it’s very important you get this right, so you boost your rankings and also keep on the right side of YouTube).

·         How to increase your views – without resorting to those ‘black hat’ shenanigans which will, eventually, get you BANNED.

·         How to easily ‘spy’ on your competitor’s videos by reverse engineering them (and stealing valuable intel to boost your own rankings).

·         How to get YouTube to advertise your site for FREE.
·         Getting more subscribers (because the more subscribers you have the better you will be ranked).

·         Thumbnail mastery (you get the inside track on creating and controlling this vital viewer magnet).

·         Where do your views come from? All over the world!

·         Features (and how to use your own customized thumbnail).

·         Devices – these hand you an enormous amount of detail you can use to make some crucial adjustments that increase your income.

·         The free website exposing the staggering amounts of money being made by regular folks on YouTube.

·         The crafty – but simple – way to ensure you OWN the first four or five hot spots on the right-hand side (dramatically increasing your overall views). 

·         Playlists – and how to use them to your full advantage.

·         Audience retention – absolutely VITAL, because it’s the main way YouTube judges how good your video is (and whether it’s worth their while promoting it).

·         Engagement Another key metric YouTube uses to decide the worth of your video.

·         Comments and comment settings (and how they keep you in control and increase your reach and engagement).

·         Analytics. Why these should never be ignored (and why it’s never too soon to start).
·         Demographics: absolutely vital. Because you need to know who your viewers are, so you can give them what they want.

·         How to write amazing descriptionsit doesn’t get much easier than this!

·         The biggest FATAL mistake you’ll ever make with YouTube. (Yes. everyone does it – but that won’t cut any ice if you get caught.

·         17 PDFs to add the final details, covering points best made in writing rather than in the videos.

And, much, MUCH more …

you don't have to lose anything if I am  proven wrong 

Make Money With YouTube or
Your Money Back! – Period!

You now have a clear choice

Because you can either …

Carry on as before, wondering if it really is possible to make money online in general and with YouTube, in particular, and likely wasting money on those ultra-tempting offers of push button software that claim to make you wealthy with little or no effort.
OR …
You can make the sensible choice and realize that my program – which neatly side-steps the need to actually create your own videos – is probably as effort-free as you’ll ever get when it’s a truly a viable and practical method that really does bring home the bacon.
Sounds to me like your choice is a simple one. So I’m really looking forward to welcoming you aboard!
Success always, 




November 01, 2018

Send this to a man when he pulls away (then watch his face)

Say this to him if he is about to leave you?

This mesmerizing phrase can pull him back (really fast)

Make His Heart Beat, Bang & Hammer With Attraction For You...

Change can be a good thing...

But it isn't when your man wants to change you for another woman.

If he has already left you or is starting to pull away,
just use this PHRASE on him before anything else...

The moment you use this, he'll experience the
deepest desire of his entire life pooling in his belly…

…turning to fire as his body devours this mesmerizing phrase. 

…as he starts to call and text you multiple times only to SHAMELESSLY
declare that he is utterly ADDICTED to you. 



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